Epygen Biotech

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See how Epygen is changing lives and preserving the future by it’s ground-breaking research.


Epygen presentation at 255th ACS BIOT: Louisiana, 2018

For a large part of the world, where patients requiring Thrombolysis cannot afford an expensive tPA treatment, Streptokinase is still the only viable option. The new recombinant Streptokinase (rSK) clone with a non-Beta Lactam marker has been optimized for high level of protein expression using HCD fermentation and intelligent feeding techniques.

Epygen presentation at 5th BIRAC Innovator’s Symposia, New Delhi, September 22-23 2016.

Development of Recombinant Streptokinase in collaboration with CSIR IMTECH for scaling up and optimization of large-scale production of this life saving Thrombolytic protein at an affordable cost for the unmet need in Indian patients.

Epygen presentation at 251st ACS BIOT: San Diego, 2016

More affordable version of therapeutic protein recombinant Streptokinase to address over a million ST elevated Myocardial Infraction (STEMI) deaths in part of the world where affordability is the key.

Bio World Congress 2012

Epygen presented its technology on enzymatic kinetics at the World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing in Orlando, Florida.